butterfly wing flutters

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Imagine All the People

Failed rains have created massive food shortages in East Africa. Oxfam has already distributed emergency food aid to 170,000 people living in Turkana and Wajir. But the situation remains dire: fertile pastureland has dried out, mothers are struggling to provide for their children, and cattle are dying. Currently, they are trucking in 20,000 litres of water each week to people in Wajir, Kenya, who previously faced a 60-kilometre trek to find water, or were forced to drink dirty supplies. - ofxam


It amazes and saddens me that in this world today there are still people that don't receive the very basic of human needs. How can I bear to turn my back now that I am aware of the suffering that is taking place? How can I not give and help in order to make a difference?

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one.


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